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New Zealand/2004

Home stay
Lavender Farm
Waitangi Day


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I said good-by to Dawn in Christchurch. I walked around the town but I felt nervous about the crowd. I wondered if it was because I had stayed in the countryside for a while? I went shopping and I bought lots of goods for my friends. And I bought a bottle of propolise capsules for me. It was very expensive but there was no choice, because I must get more and more beautiful!!!
photo:In front of Christchurch Cathedral.

In the courtyard of Art Center

I wanted to try punting and so I went to the information center. I was thinking how to ask about puntting in English while I was standing in line to get any information. But when my turn came the person at the counter changed place with Japanese staff. Why! It was too bad that I missed the good opportunity to parctice English!
photo:Punting on the Avon, it costs NZ$12 for 30 minutes.

I got on the gondola boat, which took a trip up and down the Avon river in 30 minutes. We went down the peaceful river on the gondola boart. The sight from the surface of the river was fresh for me and I enjoyed the unique sight. But there was some graffiti on the wall under a bridge and some grabage in the bottom od the river. Whenever I go, there will always be people punting graffiti... After about 15 minutes the boart turned around. But it was hard to punt up stream and we couldn't make headway. I got a little bit seasick!
left:The view from the punt on the Avon. The Avon isn't so deep but it has a rapid current.
right:I'm feeling a little bit seasick...

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