This was the halfway point of this tour. We turned back around here. The white stuff was not snow. It was frost. Can you imagine how cold it was around there?
I heard that a starting point to the trek across the mountains to Milford Sound was around here. I wondered if people doing it knew how long it would take!
It got dark quickly.
Afternoon tea time
There were the same sweets and drink as morning tea time. They tasted good but I couldn't eat much. Because it looked like there was no public lavatory around here. Anyway, they drank lots of coffee and ate a lot without seeming worried about it!
Filming Site /
Lothlorien, the forest where elves lived in the movie. It looked like a movie set. It was very humid and everything was covered with pale green moss. I posed them as elves from the movie and I took a picture.(More Images ...)
right: They were playing elves in the movie.